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I often get calls reguarding pet bunnies, I would like to use this space to answer some of those common questions.  I encourage you to use the links page to travel the web in search of other answers, alot of good info is out there for pet bunny care.  Also search other breeders sites, a ton of experience to pull from! 
Basic Supplies:
1.  Cage.  This should be purchased and set up before bringing home a new pet.  Inside the house-try to pick an area where the bunny will get lots of attention, but not in a direct sunny spot.  Outside-your pet bunny needs a place where they will be protected from preditors, and weather, inside a shelter would be best, make sure it is not too hot.  Temps over 90 are not healthy for bunny.  Min. size for a Holland Lop should be 24"X24".
2.  Litter Pan.  If your bunny will be inside I would highly suggest getting a litter pan, a corner style at the pet store will work just fine.  It may take some time to train your new pet to use it, but will keep your cage alot cleaner.
3.  Water bottle.  When buying a pet bunny, make sure they have used a water bottle before, if they have not, you may need to provide a crock of water untill you know they are using the bottle.  A water bottle provides a good supply of clean drinking water, whereas a crock or dish may be spilled, leaving the pet without water, this equals trouble for a rabbit.
4.  Feed Dish.  Pick something which will not be easily upset, a small crock will work well.  You may also wish to buy a hay rack, this can attach to the outside of the cage and works very well.
5.  TOYS!  Bunnies like toys, pick things they can sling about and rattle, chew and push.  Plastic baby key rings, baby rattles, bird wooden chew toys, whiffle balls, whatever your bunny directs you to buy!